to 20 May

Synod in Session

  • Alexandra Park Conference Centre (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

What is Synod?
The Synod meeting, or the Synod in Session, is a gathering of around 400 members of the Uniting Church in Queensland and happens every 18 months. The Synod in Session has responsibility for the general oversight, direction and administration of the Church’s worship, witness and service in the region allocated to it with such powers and authorities as may from time to time be determined by the Assembly. (Basis of Union Paragraph 15)

What happens at Synod?
It is not all hard work. In our Synod meeting we celebrate the grace of God in Jesus Christ and we worship God together. It is a time when we can share with one another our experience of the work of God and share hopes and disappointments. We hear of the ways in which God is inspiring, guiding, shaping and empowering other parts of the church. We commit ourselves to continue together on the way, enriched through our renewed fellowship in Christ and the commitments we are challenged and inspired to make through our own informal decisions and our formal resolutions.
Between Synod meetings the elected and ex-officio members of the Synod Standing Committee act on behalf of the Synod and deal with specific issues that come out of the Synod.

For more information visit:

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Amplify Conference

Australia’s largest children, youth and family ministry conference will take place in local hubs across the country. Frontline ministry leaders gathering locally for a day of inspiration, equipping and networking.

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to 14 Sept

Leaders To Go Conference

Biennial children and family ministry leadership conference with a vision to enrich, empower and equip leaders through forward-thinking input and facilitated open learning spaces.

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Presbytery in Session

We are a vibrant Presbytery with lots of events and programs running throughout the year. We try to meet three times a year to worship together, to enter a time of fellowship and to discuss business. Usually Presbytery in session starts at 4.30pm and goes till about 9.30pm which includes dinner. As a Presbytery Members you may be required to attend the following: Extraordinary (or special) meetings, Workshops, Synod and/or Assembly proposals for urgent discussion, Ordinations, Inductions & Commissioning Services.

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to 15 Oct

Executive Leadership Workshop Part 2

The focus of this course is to provide current leaders within the UCA with foundational skills in executive leadership. It will include a focus on high level leadership in governance, team building and conflict management. The course will also have an intentional focus on the relational dynamics of executive leadership, especially the way in which leaders in this space maintain a thriving relationship with God. The cost is $500 for the full course, with morning tea and lunch included. There is an early bird registration cost of $450 if signed up by 12 April COB. Documents and other pertinent information will be sent to registrants closer to the commencement of the course.

Registrations: HERE

Executive Leadership – Pt 1

  • Face to face

  • Craig Bailey

  • April 23 & 24 9am-4pm

Executive Leadership – Pt 2

  • Face to face

  • Craig Bailey and others

  • Oct 14th-15th   9am – 4pm

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Presbytery in Session

“Look, I am about to do something new; even now it is coming. Do you not see it?” Is. 43.19 (CSB).

The August Presbytery meeting starts at 4.30pm and goes till about 8pm. It includes times of worship and fellowship over a meal, prayer for the Presbytery, and will then attend to what business needs attention.

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