Mission Resourcing Committee

The Mission Resourcing Committee of the Moreton Rivers Presbytery is responsible for the governance of our collective financial and property assets with added focus on the Mission, Life and Witness of our congregations. The committee is charged with the support function for congregations in their building and maintenance works for church buildings, worship centres, halls and manses, and other property assets held for the use of the congregations within the Presbytery. They also help set the Combined Presbytery Mission Pool (CPMP) allocations for each Congregation, receive copies of audited statements from each congregation, and support congregations in their use of capital funds and borrowings.

A reminder that any applications and requests will need to be submitted 1 week prior to the meeting (held 4th Tuesday of each month). If you miss it, your request will be taken to the next meeting.

The Chair of Resourcing Committee is Trent Wheeley:

Property Convenor is Gary Lynch: